Helping more Aussies grow, share & eat locally grown food. Join us!

Area under cultivation 6,732,906 m2
Food waste diversion 53795 kg/week

Digital workshops

Online Event

Saturday 10th August 2024 - 3:00pm

Make this your best tomato season ever!!

Everyone loves growing tomatoes and while summer might feel like a million years away if you live in Southern Australia, now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting your tommies started! Join Hannah Moloney from Goodlife Permaculture and Gardening Australia as she talks you through everything you need to know about propagating and growing your best ever crop of tomatoes!

Online Event

Thursday 12th September 2024 - 7:30pm

Growing on balconies and in other small spaces

We all dream of having a big rambling garden with more space than we know what to do with, but the reality for a vast number of people is that we live in urbanised areas where space to grow is increasingly hard to find. Luckily people have been growing in small, urban spaces for thousands of years and what they may lack in area, they more than make up for in creativity and abundance! Join balcony growing guru and national treasure Costa Georgiadis as he shows you how to grow a small space garden that packs a big punch.

Online Event

Saturday 12th October 2024 - 3:00pm

Make your garden a haven for bees!

We all know that healthy bees are crucial to having happy and productive gardens and that having a healthy garden is essential for having happy bees! So, how do you create a garden that is beautiful, healthy and a haven for both gardeners and bees? Join beekeeper, urban food grower and all round top bloke Gary Richards as he shows you how to turn your patch into a paradise for bees!

Online Event

Saturday 9th November 2024 - 3:00pm

The subtropical fruit bowl

So many of the iconic fruits that we see in supermarkets and in gardening media are suited to temperate climates! What about the gardens of the subtropics? While the names may not be as familiar to many of us, the list of fruits that can be grown in a hot and humid environment are mind boggling! Things like Wampee, Wax Jambu and Jackfruit, the stuff that you rarely see on the shelves but the fruits that love a subtropical garden! Join tropical fruit grower and chook enthusiast Claire Bickle as she opens your eyes to a whole new world of fruity garden delights.

Online Event

Saturday 14th December 2024 - 3:00pm

Growing food in the subtropics

It’s not always easy growing food in the subtropics. Sure, there is the rainfall and the heat that a lot of plants love, but then again, so do the pests and the weeds! Add to that the fact that so much of the gardening information out there is targeted to growers in temperate climates, making it hard to get your bearings as a grower, especially when starting out. Fear not, brave subtropical gardener, as Jerry Coleby-Williams, beloved Gardening Australia presenter, Royal Botanic Gardens alumni and passionate subtropical food grower is here to show you how to embrace the heat and humidity and get your garden cranking!

Latest products

$5.00 - QLD, Sunshine Coast Regional

Organic Fresh Turmeric

No Chemical Fresh Turmeric $5 - 500g turmeric

$14.80 -

Organic Hass Avocado plants

Various Avocado saplings grown from seed. All organic!

$54.25 - WA, Shire of York

Sop Making Workshop 11 th May 2024 in MELVILLE WA

come and join Alinta and I and learn to make soap It's super easy you'll learn how to make it using the Cold process way as well as the hot . You'll take home 2 bars of soap from the workshop along with a soap saver , notes and recipes and a mould . I wanted to learn how to make my own soap so I could control the ingredients that were in it now I love teaching how to make it Why learn to make your own soap ? Making your own soap offers several benefits, ranging from customization and creativity to potentially using natural and skin-friendly ingredients. Here are some advantages of making your own soap: Control Over Ingredients: When you make your own soap, you have complete control over the ingredients you use this was a really big thing for me . Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Many commercial soaps contain synthetic fragrances, artificial colors, and harsh chemicals that can strip your skin of its natural oils and cause irritation. By making your own soap, you can avoid these potentially harmful ingredients and create a gentler product. PRESS ON THE LINK FOR TICKETS to get more info

$0.00 - NSW, Cessnock City Council

York Street Fresh & Organic Community Produce Cart

Community Produce Cart & Seed Swap! “Take what you need, leave what you can” - Grow Free - Organic produce swap - Fresh 🐓 butt nuggets ($2 1/2 dozen, or fresh produce swap) - Seed swap - Free plants & cuttings! Community sharing encouraged.

$0.00 - NSW, Waverley Council

How to grow Italian Sprouting Broccoli

Join our communityLearn to grow and cook healthy, delicious, organic food at home by joining our seasonal grow-alongs Join Now Background Sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) is a type of broccoli that is grown not for its big single head, but for its abundant edible sprouts. A member of the mustard family, Sprouting Broccoli is derived from the wild mustards that grow prolifically around coastal Europe Native. Mustards have been cultivated for over 8000 years, with  The ancient romans cultivated it 1000s of years ago,The name Broccoli means “Bucktooth” in latin, most likely a colloquial term referring to the broccoli’s projecting shoots But it took a surprisingly long time to spread to the rest of the world. It wasn’t recorded in England until 1720, where it was known as Italian Asparagus, and it was first recorded in America another 100 years after that Health Benefits Turns out your parents were onto something all those years ago, Broccoli is good for you! It’s jam packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre! Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, that protects from chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's  Potassium, which regulates blood pressure protecting against heart disease and stroke. Folate, a B vitamin that is important for cell growth and development.  Dietary fibre, which we all know  is important for digestive health.  Growing Tips and Tricks Location: Sprouting broccoli likes to grow in  full sun and well-drained soil. So choose a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sunshine. They can be grown in the ground or  in containers Watering: Sprouting broccoli needs to be watered regularly, but be careful not to overwater. The soil should be moist, but not soggy. Pests and Diseases Leaves getting eaten? Sounds like cabbage moths! Ways to prevent this is with insect excluding mesh, making sure that you’re not growing over the warmer months and keeping your plants nice and healthy. Fluffy mass under the leaves, with discoloured spots on top? Sounds like downy mildew. You can treat it with an organic copper fungicide. Make sure that you allow plenty of space for light and airflow between plants and avoid too much overhead watering Harvest: Sprouting broccoli are ready to harvest around 60 days after planting. To harvest, begin with the central stem as this will encourage more sprouts to grow out the sides. Harvest stems when buds are formed but before they open into flower. Regular picking will extend your harvest! Culinary Options So much more versatile than traditional broccoli, the crisp tasty sprouts lend themselves to steaming, roasting, frying or even eating fresh, straight from the garden Here are some recipes that use sprouting broccoli: Fried up with some eggs and a piece of toasted sourdough as a delicious breakfast Fried with garlic, butter and lemon juice as a delicious side for a roast. Steamed, lightly dressed with some olive oil and dipped into hommus Upcoming Digital Workshop The wonderful world of wicking beds Thursday 11th April 2024 Join Now

$0.00 - Bondi Beach, NSW

Grow It Local Seed Service - Rainbow Coleslaw Edition

Grow It Local, in partnership with a network of forward-thinking councils, has developed a FREE heirloom Seed Service to help educate, inspire and support more Australians to grow, share and eat locally-grown food. Go to to see if you're eligible!

$5.00 - Eastgrove, 177 Tranters Rd, Couradda NSW 2390

Spelt Wheat

Ancient wheat variety grown on our certified organic farm. The spelt grain can be milled to make flour or steamed and eaten as a wholegrain.

$0.00 -

Community Garden Open - Hackham West Community Centre

We have a new Community Garden that is open for all those interested Monday - Friday to pop in. Our Adult Community Education Coordinator, Anne, will be out in the garden on Wednesdays during school terms from 12.30pm. Feel free to pop in and help with weeding, staking, pruning and pottering.

$0.50 -

Free range eggs

Our chickens are among the happiest I have ever seen. Come and visit them and have a cuddle. They are super friendly. While you are at it, pick up some eggs. Sometimes we have a huge over supply, but sometimes we don’t, so contact me first to see what we have available.

$0.25 -


Beautiful fresh blood plums picked and ripening off the tree, ready to be enjoyed in someone’s lunch box.

$2.50 -


I have stacks of very large healthy silverbeet that I’d be happy to swap goods or services for. If you love making spanakopita, this is perfect. Veggies are harvested at or before pickup for freshness.

$50.00 -


Babaco: A Tropical Delight for Australian Gardens Discover the exotic allure of Babaco (Vasconcellea × heilbornii), a tropical fruit that thrives in the diverse climates of Australia. Known for its unique flavour and nutritional benefits, Babaco “The Champagne Fruit” is a captivating addition to any garden. This resilient plant, a hybrid between mountain papaya and papaya, offers a delightful combination of sweet and tangy taste, making it a sought-after choice for both culinary enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. Description: Babaco, with its elongated shape and vibrant yellow hue, resembles a large elongated papaya but stands out with its distinct taste and texture. The fruit is typically about 30 centimetres long and has a smooth, thin skin that encases juicy, seedless flesh. Its flavour is a harmonious blend of tropical sweetness and mild acidity, providing a refreshing taste experience that sets it apart from other fruits. Growing Conditions: Ideal for Australian gardens, Babaco thrives in subtropical and tropical climates, making it well-suited for regions with warm temperatures. Plant your Babaco in well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Ensure the soil is rich in organic matter, and consider adding compost for optimal growth. Sunlight is crucial for the Babaco plant, so choose a location that receives full to partial sun exposure. Babaco is sensitive to frost, so protect your plant during colder months to prevent damage. Watering is another key aspect of Babaco care. While the plant appreciates regular watering, it is important to avoid waterlogged soil. A consistent watering schedule, with the soil kept consistently moist but not soggy, will promote healthy growth. Pruning can help maintain the shape of the plant and encourage better fruit production. Remove dead or damaged branches regularly to enhance air circulation and sunlight penetration. Harvesting and Consumption: Babaco plants typically bear fruit within 18 to 24 months after planting. The fruits are ready for harvest when they attain a bright yellow color and yield slightly to gentle pressure. Harvest by cutting the fruit from the stem, and enjoy it fresh or incorporate it into various culinary creations. Babaco is versatile, lending its unique flavor to fruit salads, smoothies, desserts, and more. Conclusion: Elevate your gardening experience with the tropical charm of Babaco. Easy to grow and rewarding to harvest, this exotic fruit plant brings a touch of the tropics to Australian gardens. Follow our growing advice, and soon you’ll be savouring the delectable taste of homegrown Babaco, a true gem in the world of tropical fruits.



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